• ISSN: 2456-1134 |
  • editor@isjcresm.com

International Scientific Journal of Contemporary Research in

Engineering Science and Management

|ISSN Approved Journal | Impact factor: 7.521 | Follows UGC CARE Journal Norms and Guidelines|
|Monthly, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Scholarly, Multidisciplinary and Open Access Journal|Impact
factor 7.521 (Calculated by Google Scholar and Semantic Scholar| AI-Powered Research Tool| Indexing)
in all Major Database & Metadata, Citation Generator

Editorial Board


Dr. Suresh Kumar


Editorial Board Members:

Dr. Arbind Rout,
D.Litt Professor,

NIMS University,

Jaipur, India

Sotvoldiev Nodirbek Jurabaevich
Project Manager,

Wipro InfoTech, Hyderabad,


Malyadri K,
Micro Services Lead Developer,

CGIat Client PNC,

Pittsburgh, PA

Satya Nagendra Prasad Poloju
Sr SAP Data & Analytics Specialist,

Rumpke Waste & Recycling,

3990 Generation Dr, Cincinnati,

OH 45251, USA.

Associate Professor ,

NIMS School of Business,

NIMS University, Jaipur,

Rajasthan, India

Normatova Muborak Jabborovna
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Navoi State Mining Institute,


Raxmatov Safarboy Xudoyberdiyevich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD),

Navoi State Mining Institute,


Makhmudova Sevara Irisaliyevna,
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
of the Department of Uzbek Language and Literature,

Uzbek State Institute of Arts and Culture, Uzbekistan

Prof. (Ar.) Riya Richard Shawel
Institute of Architecture,

Sage University, Indore, India,

Student of M.Arch, IPS Academy,

Indore, India

Ergasheva Guzal Kurbonalievna,
Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD),

Uzbekistan State World Languages University,


PhD in Technics,

Termiz State University,


Bozorova Nayima Xudayberdiyevn,
Head of the Department of Special Sciences,

Yangiyer branch of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology.,

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Technical Sciences, Uzbekistan

Anitha Eemani
Sr. Java Full Stack Developer,

National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC),


Xasanova Mukharrama Almaredanovna
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD),

Associate Professor of the Department of Forensic Medicine and Medical Law, ,

Tashkent Medical Academy, Uzbekistan

Azizova Pakiza Khusanovna
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor,

Department of Internal Diseases-2 and Endocrinology,

Tashkent Medical Academy, Uzbekistan

Sagdullayeva Dilafruz Saidakbarovna
Doctor of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.),

Senior Researcher at the Institute of Bioorganic hemistry of the Academy of Sciences,

Republic of Uzbekistan

Otajonov Ilkhom Otaboevich,
Doctor of Sciences (DSc),

Tashkent Medical Academy,


Vivek Thoutam,
Researcher, Senior Python Developer,

Researcher, Senior Python Developer,,

California, USA

Ilkhom Kholmuminovich Amanturdiev,
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Agricultural Sciences,

Samarkand branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University,


Nasrullah Abbasi,
AI-Healthcare Researcher,

Washington University of Science and Technology,

Alexandria, VA, USA

Mohammed Kholmuminovich,
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Agricultural Sciences,

Samarkand branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University,


Siva Prasad Patnayakuni,
Senior Data Engineer,

H-E-B, Texas,


Jurayev Sherali Sharipovich,
Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.),

Namangan Engineering Construction Institute,

Street I. Karimov 12, 716003, Namangan, Uzbekistan

Nishonov Fayzullo Xolmirzayevich,
Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Dciences (Ph.D.),

Namangan Engineering Construction Institute,


Abdurahimov Shavkatjon Olimovich,
Associate Professor of the Department of Land and Melioration,

Candidate of agricultural sciences at Tashkent State Agrarian University,


Rakesh Rojanala,
Senior Manager,



Associate Professor in Nursing, Department of Child Health Nursing,
Mother Theresa Post Graduate & Research Institute of Health Sciences,
Puducherry, India
Toshpulatova Shahlo Ochilovna,
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Associate Professor,

Navoi State Pedagogical Institute,


Jamilov Yusuf Yunus Ugli,
Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD),

Teacher of the Department "Pedagogy, Psychology and Technological Education" of the Pedagogical Institute of Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan

Boltayev Zafar Ikhtiyorovich,

Associate Professor of the Department "Higher Mathematics" of the Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences(DSc), Uzbekistan

Sudheer Kumar Shriramoju,
Project Manager,

Wipro InfoTech, Hyderabad,


Niravkumar Dhameliya
Health Advocate,

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,


Bhagya Rekha Kalukurthi,
R&D Engineer3,

Broadcom Inc,


Vali Raximdjanovich Khodjibaev
Namangan Engineering Construction Institute


Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics (DSc)

Street I.Karimov 12, 716003, Namangan, Uzbekistan

Sriharsha Vinjamury
Principal Test Engineer, SOPT

ARM Inc,

Austin TX,


Dr Sneha H. Bhalala(PT)
MPT - Pediatrics, Assistant Professor,

SPB Physiotherapy College,

Surat, India

Malyadri K,
Micro Services Lead Developer,

CGIat Client PNC,

Pittsburgh, PA

Malyadri K,
Ergashev Ilxom Yuldashevich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Navoi State Mining Institute,


Dr.Srinath Doss

Department of Network and Infrastructure Management,

Faculty of Computing, Botho University, Botswana.

Egamberdiev Bakhrom Egamberdievich

Deputy Director of the Scientific Research Institute of Semiconductor Physics and Microelectronics at the National University of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan

Raximov Ilhomjon Abdullaevich
Director of the Regional Center for Retraining and Advanced Training of Public Educators at Namangan State University

Associate Professor,

Doctor of Philosophy on pedagogical sciences (PhD)

Fayziboyev Pirmamat Normamatovich,
Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Sciences (Ph.D.),

Associate Professor of "General Hygiene and Ecology" Samarkand State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan

Xoliyarov Musadilla Shodievich
Doctor of Philosophie Ph.D on technics

Head of the department of Education Quality Control of Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry


Gafurov Adham Anvarovich,
Doctor of Medical Sciences,

Professor of the Department of " Children's Surgery",

Professor of Andijan State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan

Nazarov Jamoliddin Toshkulovich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD),

Navoi State Mining Institute,


Tursunova Iroda Ne'matovna
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD),

Navoi State Mining Institute,


Toshmatova Guzal Adilxodjaevna
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD),

Tashkent Medical Academy,


Gafurov Adham Anvarovich,
Doctor of Medical Sciences,

Professor of the Department of " Children's Surgery",

Professor of Andijan State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan

Dr. Fayzullaev Shavkat Raimovich
Docent of the Department,

Spinning Technology, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry,


Xamzayev Akbar Abdualimovich,
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD),

Navoi State Mining Institute,


Sriram K. Bhagavathula,
Sr. Director Analytics,

Cinnamon Bay Servicing,

St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands

Xamzayev Akbar Abdualimovich,
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD),

Navoi State Mining Institute,


Togaeva Sarvinoz Suyunovna,
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Agriculture,

Associate Professor of the Department of Plant Science and Oilseed Crops,

Tashkent State Agrarian University, Uzbekistan.

Abdukaxarova Muattarhon Fahritdinovna,
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD),

Tashkent Medical Academy,


Abdukaxarova Muattarhon Fahritdinovna,
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD),

Tashkent Medical Academy,


Negmatov Mirzobaxram Karimovich,
Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.),

Namangan Engineering Construction Institute,

Street I. Karimov 12, 716003, Namangan, Uzbekistan

Mukhamedov Djabirkhon,
Professor of General Technical Sciences,

Namangan Engineering and Construction Institute,


Sultanov Umbetali Tazabayevich,
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Agricultural Sciences at Tashkent State Agrarian University,

Associate Professor of the Department of Land and Melioration, Uzbekistan.

Dr. Chokkamreddy Prakash,
Asst. Professor, School of Management Studies,

Guru Nanak Institutions Technical Campus,

Hyderabad, India

Ravi Prasad Ravuri,
Application Developer, Sriven Technologies,

Ashburn, Virginia,


Sherqulov O’ktam Dehqonovich,
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Dotsent,

Navoi State Pedagogical Institute,


Tuxtabayev Axmedjon Adashevich,
Associate Professor,

Namangan Engineering Construction Institute, Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD), Namangan, Uzbekistan

Gulboyev Akbar Tukhtaevich,
Associate Professor of Department "Pedagogy",

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan

Juraev Akmal Razzokovich,
Associate Professor,

Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education, Pedagogical Institute of Bukhara State University, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Pedagogical Sciences, Uzbekistan

Ochilov Shokir Baxtiyarovich,
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Pedagogical Sciences,

Navoi State Pedagogical Institute,


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